LG Sciencepark LG Sciencepark

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Here are the startups that have joined LG Sciencepark.
Hear their stories about how they are working and growing as innovators.

A Community of Innovators
pioneering new futures for LG and our Customers
LG Sciencepark, officially launched in April, 2018, is Korea’s biggest R&D complex located in Magok, Seoul. It has gathered LG's major R&D capabilities including electronics, chemicals, and communication services to lay the foundation for innovation.

The R&D complex is built on the land of approx. 170,000 ㎡ and accommodates 8 affiliates including LG Electronics, LG Display, LG Innotek, LG Chem, LG Energy Solution, LG Household & Health Care, LG U+, and LG CNS as well as about 21,000 research personnel from the affiliates. The research complex works in cooperation with LG Arts Center Seoul, which was designed by Tadao Ando, a renowned world-class architect, and LG Discovery Lab Seoul, which is the first educational institution in South Korea that provides interactive artificial intelligence (AI) classes, to create an environment of innovation, culture, and education.

Through exchanges and cooperations with LG affiliates as well as other external corporations, LG Sciencepark will carry out and spread its open innovation activities to tear down boundaries among global companies and startups in Korea as well as overseas and promote mutual growth through cooperation.

LG Sciencepark vows to be more than just the largest multidisciplinary research complex in Korea but become an innovative community where young and talented people gather together and pioneer a new future for LG and its customers.
LG Sciencepark Racing Drone tour