LG Sciencepark LG Sciencepark

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Here are the startups that have joined LG Sciencepark.
Hear their stories about how they are working and growing as innovators.

R&D Governance
Advance the R&D portfolio of LG Group.
  • Next Big Things Incubation
  • Technology Council
Global Innovation Network
Build a global open innovation network through cooperation with global leading innovation partners.
  • Innovation Council
Innovation Research Complex
The innovative research complex provides top-class talent with the best research environment for them to work freely and exercise imagination.
  • Sustainable Research Complex
  • Culture, Innovation, and Arts (C.I.A)
LG Sciencepark's C.I.A.
Pursue a Culture where people communicate and challenge freely,
Innovations that make possibilities never seen before into reality, and Arts that inspire creativity in people’s daily life.
LG Sciencepark
Culture that promotes new and varied challenges as well as free communication
Innovations never seen before that grow out of cultural soil and artistic stimuli.
Maximize people’s imagination and creativity by promoting natural encounter with arts in daily life.