Science and people that can unlock future potential -
that is the vision of LG Sciencepark.

Building a Community of Innovators

IP Park CEO, LG Sciencepark

Now coming into its fourth year of operation, LG Scicenepark has come a long way since its inception. As Korea’s largest R&D complex bringing together the R&D capacities of eight LG companies to the heart of Magok, Seoul, our first few years have been about, with great success thanks to everyone involved, building the grounds for innovation. And it has been a herculean task managing a development of this scale: and so it will continue to be for a while until the second phase of construction, including LG Art Center and LG Discovery Lab on top of new blocks for yet more LG innovators to huddle together, is completed. We now count over 18,000 people working on site over a total floor spaces of 170,000㎡

And yet, as we come to a point where we can reasonably foresee the successful completion of this great vision, we have been more acutely aware of the need to renew our mission so we may aspire to becoming something even greater than the country’s largest R&D compound – that is, to build a Community of Innovators pioneering new futures for LG and our customers.


A Community of Innovators
pioneering new futures for LG and our customers

Sounds like a grand ambition? Yes, it does, because, quite simply, it is. The idea is to shape an open community for all those who aspire to explore and realize totally new and totally different possibilities for a truly better life for all. The key operative word here is ‘open’ – so we may facilitate a free flow of ideas and energy which is so essential to the success of any organization charged with radical innovation.

And to articulate what we’re about and what we aspire to achieve, we have identified three key mission areas as follows.

Open Innovation

This comes in multiple dimensions. First, we want to facilitate collaborative R&D initiatives that bring together the diverse strengths of different LG companies. LG Group is a collective of an incredible diversity of businesses, from electronics and chemicals to telecommunication and services; making up this colourful tapestry of diverse business interests are LG companies each of which are world-leading innovators in their respective fields. Now our goal is to help them work together so we can solve new and bigger problems faster and better, delivering great value and new experiences for those we serve.

Such convergence of strength, of course, will also involve partners from outside the LG Group – global corporate partners, start-ups, universities, research labs and organizations an even more diverse range of fields. We offer our strengths, global network, and unparalleled insight into the lives of our customers – we hope to benefit from the creative ideas and technological prowess of our partners in innovation.

The ultimate goal is to establish an open eco-system of innovation which engages both local partners around the Magok area and across the country as well as global innovators – all to better explore new possibilities for innovation for a better life.

Future Incubation

On the basis of such open network, LG Sciencepark also seeks to pursue our own R&D initiatives – the so-called ‘moonshot’ projects that explore opportunities for much greater impact over much longer term than what frontline businesses usually allow. As an R&D hub, our goal will be to discover new domains which care currently uncovered by the existing LG business interests but may benefit from combining our technological capacities.

So we’ll launch future-oriented research projects that address some of the world’s most urgent and most inspiring challenges, establishing an initial roadmap and conducting proof-of-concept projects while we can work out a more permanent arrangement to carry those initiatives forwards. This will be about big ideas that require big changes in how we think and do things, not incremental improvements but revolutionary innovations.

Central to such efforts will, of course, be our focus on customer value and experience. Indeed, all worthwhile problems come from the real pain points that we feel in our everyday lives – and to really solve them is again all about getting deep into the perspectives of our customers. So to that end, we plan to establish an innovation lab dedicated to researching consumer experience and how technological innovations may change our lives.

Innovation Culture

Enabling all these ambitious endeavours will be an organizational culture rooted in creative thinking, mutual respect, and agile attitude to innovation. After all, driving all these wonderful dreams are our people – every single one of our community – so it only makes sense that we shape an organization which supports and empowers its members.

Which why, whether it’s the way we work and communicate, how our work spaces are organized, how we embrace failure and encourage challenge, how we share insight and inspiration, or how we look after each other especially in times of difficulty and challenge, we want to make sure that those who work here really feel that they belong in an inspiring, empowering and fun community. So in addition to the current programme of events and activities, we’ll be introducing a whole range of changes and improvements to our corporate culture.